•First Corporate Agreement: Google announced a partnership to buy nuclear energy from Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) developed by Kairos Power.
•Energy Provision: The deal aims to provide 500 MW of carbon-free power to the U.S. electricity grid, with the first SMR expected by 2030.
•Lower Costs: SMRs are seen as having lower construction and operational costs, with designs that can function in diverse environments.
•AI Development: Google believes this initiative will support the energy-intensive demands of AI technologies and data centers.
•Energy Demands: Training AI models and maintaining data centers require substantial energy. Google’s 2024 Environmental Report indicated a 13% increase in greenhouse gas emissions in 2023.
•Advantages of Nuclear: Nuclear energy is viewed as clean, reliable (available 24/7), and carbon-free, addressing concerns over the variability of solar energy.